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Oversize trend

How to wear the oversized look? 

Since the 90s, we’ve known the oversized look, inspired by Californian hip hop and skate culture. We see it often on the catwalks of the world’s most renowned fashion houses, from Jacquemus to Balenciaga. The look’s versatility is what keeps it eternally current. This is why have selected a few silhouettes here to inspire you into this cult trend.


An oversized shirt is the must have for this season. The advantage is that it allows you to play with another fashion trend – layering. Choose an oversized shirt in corduroy to wear over your sweater or turtleneck and this will play cleverly with the different lengths of the pieces and provide warmth to face the cold season

The workwear version

Oversize can be choice for every garment in an outfit. This breaks the monotony and gives strong volume to your silhouette. It’s a uniform and this is a spotlight in men’s fashion. The oversized workwear trend shouts about simplicity and authenticity.

The urban version

For the urban look, we suggest opting for an oversized parka. This can be the focal point and the centre around which you can harmoniously draw in other urban pieces to complete the outfit, such as sneakers and a hat.


Crédits photo : 

Photo 2 : / Acne Studio

Photo 4 : / Jacquemus

Photo 6 : / Balanciaga